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On the Vulnerability of Authenticity

Oh, the pain associated with this lesson for me.

All my life I’ve felt simultaneously “too much” and “not enough.” My ego’s needs for external validation kept me in a place where I was constantly filtering what version of me I let the world see. It was exhausting. And when the smoke cleared, I was left wondering which version was the “real” me.

But everything is different now. Authenticity reigns. I embrace my quirks and “flaws” as part of my unique strengths and appeal.

I’ve now found myself on the other side this empowered person who has found MY people.

I make no apologies for being me. Because *I* bring a lot of value to the table.

To quote the venerable Brené Brown (a woman I feel a strong connection to):

“Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.”

If this message resonates with you, reach out to me. I want to help you embrace your authentic self and aid in creating workplaces that celebrate authenticity! #change #authenticity #vulnerabilityisstrength Resonance Coaching & Consulting

The Contagion Level of Toxicity

Toxicity is contagious. Kind of like a virus that creates one zombie, and then quickly spreads throughout the world and causes a collapse of society (or an organization) as we know it.

But where does it originate?

I think we (as in society) are really good at identifying and dealing with symptoms. But when you only treat the symptoms, the problem is just temporarily contained.

Getting to the root of why that toxic behavior exists in the first place is hard work, but worthwhile and life-changing.

I’ve spent many years learning about, processing, and helping navigate energy, growth, and emotional intelligence, both in individuals and in environments.

I can help you identify and address threats to your workplace morale at the root. Reach out! Resonance Coaching & Consulting

Learning Never Ends

“I’d rather be green and growing than ripe and rotting.”

There is no place of "arrival," of full understanding or knowledge. The moment our growth stops is the moment we choose our own irrelevance.

Don’t ever stop reflecting, learning, and growing. Resonance Coaching & Consulting

Beware Toxic Positivity

Let's dissect this just a bit.

Of course employees want a leader who is confident, who can navigate through difficult situations, but I believe, beyond that, employees want a leader who is transparent and acknowledges the difficulties for what they are and then shares a well-thought out, people and value centered plan for moving forward.

Be careful that we're not out here using blind and toxic positivity to work through tough times because employees will see right through it. I've heard employees use words and phrases like "gaslighting" and "they must think I'm dumb."

Remember, we can be positive AND transparent. We can acknowledge AND affirm. We can both strategize AND validate.

Want to learn more about emotionally intelligent, energy aware, and trauma informed leadership? Reach out today! Resonance Coaching & Consulting

Leadership Skills: Empathy

Article: Empathy is the Most Important Leadership Skill, According to Research

THIS is why I'm drawn to organizational culture work. Emotional Intelligence matters.

You EARNED Your Place

So many of us, especially women, don’t give ourselves the credit we deserve for our hard work. Normalize believing you deserve the good things that happen to you! 💪 Resonance Coaching & Consulting